Are you aware of the crazy people running in the street?

Secondlife.. Fashion.. Music.. Brains (;

Tag Archives: New Zealand

Pacific Crisis Fundraiser

Ok, so it’s been a while. I would first off like to say hi, i’ve been lazy, get over it.

Second off, this blog post. If you haven’t been living under a rock for the past 2 weeks you would know that the earth is going to all hell at the moment. First with the Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake and then the Japan Earthquake & Tsunami. Now their nuclear plants have blown up. Ugh :/ The lovely people in secondlife have came up with an emergency fundraiser which runs from March 16th – April 10th, at a sim Glam Affair have kindly donated the use of while the event is on.

There are so many designers that have put stuff out to help raise money for Japan, like Sassy Kitty Designs, Magika, Pink Fuel, iPoke, Grixdale, TeaSoup & So many more.

Teleport to the Pacific Crisis Fundraiser and take a look around, theres bound to be something you’ll like and want (:

Below are a few things that i got (:

What I’m Wearing:

Skin: .ILLUSORY. Skin_Paige_Tan – Winter B1/L$1000/Illusory

Hair: Magika PCF Red // Paisley/L$50/Pacific Crisis Fundraiser

Top: Berries Inc. tweee top old pink/L$110/Pacific Crisis Fundraiser

Pants: [Sassy Kitty Designs] Japanese Unbuttoned Jeans Ripped/L$120/Pacific Crisis Fundraiser

Underwear: [Sassy Kitty Designs] Slide/Slide ’em off Panties Kiss/L$20/Gacha@Sassy Kitty Designs

Shoes: -Phoenix Rising-Buckle Flats-BLACK/L$1/Phoenix Risisng


Currently Listening To: Panic! At The Disco – The Ballad Of Mona Lisa
